Complete Faith

There’s a significant difference between complete faith and convenient faith. Having complete faith means trusting God completely, while convenient faith is trusting him only when it’s comfortable. The word convenient can be defined as something being suited to personal comfort or circumstances that involve little trouble or effort. Complete faith isn’t built in convenient situations! This type of faith is constructed in the most uncomfortable and inconvenient spaces. It’s easy to be faithful in a mansion with no debt, great health and a million dollar bank account, but can you have that same faith during a season of health issues, disappointment and unemployment? This is where genuine and complete faith is developed. God is the only one that can take us from a season of drought into a season of abundance. How could we fully believe in God if we haven’t witnessed his greatness on every level? God is capable of delivering favor in unfavorable conditions. The New Living Translation of Romans 8:28 states the following: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” We have to learn that everything good and bad can and will be arranged in our favor, but this becomes difficult to comprehend if we’re only placed in comfortable situations. Jesus was born in a manger (See Luke 2:7) and ultimately ended up on the throne. God can do the same in our lives if we are completely faithful in his power and capability!
A Winning Walk
The Amplified Version of 2 Corinthians 5:7 mentions the following: “for we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]” After reading this scripture, the word consistent stuck out to me. A consistent individual could be defined as someone that always behaves in the same manner or has the same attitude towards everything. If 2018 is going to be the year of winning, we have to consistently move in faith, despite what we see. It’s difficult to win with a defeated walk! You can’t pray to have a good day, and declare that you’re going to have a bad one as soon as you see traffic. You can’t win if you’re expecting to lose! It’s hard to see what God has ahead of you, if you’re constantly walking with your head down. God will allow us to go through a season of adversity to see if our faith remains the same. It’s easy to walk confidently when you like the view, but can we walk with the same confidence when we don’t? I personally believe that my current season is my ‘Complete Faith’ assessment.
God wants to know:
Do you still believe in me after you were forced to move out of your apartment?
Do you still pray with the same passion and optimism after being scammed and turned away by multiple leasing companies?
Do you love me the same after being forced to move your belongings elsewhere during the middle of the winter?
Do you still trust me after placing you in an uncomfortable space after accepting the call to Christian Leadership?
Although I’m fatigued, and sometimes wonder what God is trying to do, I know that better days are ahead. God won’t give us more than we can handle or take something away without replacing it with something better. Some may ask, how can you have this level of faith in the midst of a storm? It’s because I know what God is capable of! This is the reason we should always walk by faith and not by sight. Despite the season you’re in or what environment surrounds you, God will make a way for your victory.
Eventual Victory
The reason it becomes difficult for some to remain completely faithful is how and when we receive our victory. Walking with God doesn’t always result in instant gratification, and most of his plans for us are typically forthcoming not immediate. Despite an unfavorable start, you can still win the game. Last night’s matchup between the New England Patriots and The Jacksonville Jaguars was a prime example of this. The Patriots were losing the game at halftime, but eventually won the game and will make their tenth Super Bowl appearance. Another way to describe a consistent individual is one that achieves the same level of success in something. You’ll consistently win when you walk in faith!
The Good News Translation of Galatians 6:9 states the following: “So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest.” We become more prone to losing when we’re more focused on the course to victory. Instead of focusing on how long it will take to reach the destination, remain focused on the directions coming from the God Positioning System, better known as a GPS. God needs us to confidently follow his lead instead of questioning the route he has us taking to get there. Of course, there may be a quicker path to victory but God knows the best method of transportation to get there! It may look good to arrive to victory in a private jet, but a long bus ride may be necessary to prepare us for victory. The last time I checked, getting your first degree after multiple attempts is still an accomplishment. Owning your first home after turning 40 is still an achievement, and getting married after numerous relationships and countless efforts of courting is still amazing! 2018 will be the year that we get everything that God has promised to us, but we have to realize that it will arrive eventually not immediately. Don’t give up on God or what you’ve prayed for just because he has you winning in June instead of February. Continue to walk in faith, and embrace your journey to victory!